Hugo Berkeley
Dennis Redmont at “The Jazz Ambassadors” event
Thursday, March 29th, 2018 | Debates | Comments Off on Dennis Redmont at “The Jazz Ambassadors” event

Photo: Zeynep Tinaz
On March, 28 Dennis Redmont presented the world premiere of “The Jazz Ambassadors” at “Villa Taverna” in Rome.
It is a documentary by Hugo Berkeley on how the United States in the past conducted cultural diplomacy by sending Jazz greats like Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie and Dave Brubeck to perform in more than 100 countries, counteracting Soviet propaganda and spreading goodwill.
Ambassador Lewis M. Eisenberg was present at the event, organized for the Young Leaders Alumni of the Council for the United States and Italy.
The film will be broadcast by BBC, PBS, Arte and will participate in international documentary festivals.